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I came to being a consultant and a coach primarily because I have been on the other side of the table – I’ve been in your shoes. I know first hand how lonely and overwhelming leadership positions can feel, but also how exhilarating and energizing it can be to move a team - and organization - to the next level.  


It wasn’t just my experiences being a leader that brought me to this path. I have played many roles inside organizations big and small. I have struggled with a tryrant boss; I have experienced being on a team that completely knocked it out of the park; I have worked behind the scenes doing the thankless work of creating systems and infrastructure to keep everything running smoothly; I have been on the front line of creating programs and on the back end evaluating outcomes. All of these experiences inform my understanding of what skills are needed to keep all these important pieces moving forward, and influence my sensibility for the types of support organizations and leaders need.  

My philosophy

I practice collaborative consultation, a process that honors the client’s wisdom and expertise, and sees the consultant as a facilitator of dialogue and discovery - not an expert who delivers packaged solutions. I meets clients where they are and build their capacity, ultimately leaving the organization stronger and less reliant on outside consultation. I bring a whole-systems approach to my work, and aim to engage more voices than less, with a focus on involving the people on the front lines running the programs and initiatives.


With leadership development, I believe you can seek answers from experts (books, trainings, workshops) but nothing is more powerful than finding your own answers and identifying for yourself what is holding you back. Chances are you don’t need more ideas or skills to master - but you could probably use help putting what you already know into practice and slicing through the noise and distractions to clarify what is most important.

Bits and bobs

I earned a Masters degree in Public Administration with concentrations in nonprofit management and organization development from the University of Washington, and received my Professional Coaching Certification from iPEC, the leader for ICF-accredited coach training schools providing the most comprehensive training in the industry.


I am a proud board member and senior consultant for the Community Consulting Partnership, a Seattle-based community organization that trains and mentors volunteer consultants to conduct organization development consultations with local nonprofit organizations. I am also the Co-President of Stevens Elementary PTA, and Co-Chair of my local neighborhood council. 


I am passionate about exploring the wild outdoors, cooking delicious meals in the backcountry, and slowing down enough to experience the world from the vantage points of my 5 and 8 year old children. My most exciting accomplishment last year: spending 57 nights in a tent under the stars with my family!

Anchor 1

212 21st Ave E

Seattle, WA 98112


Tel: 206-601-7941

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© 2018 by Dara Ayres. 

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